Meet the Bilingual & Bicultural Creators
Changing Hispanic Streaming Content

¡Bienvenidos !
Thank you again for attending our Nuestra.TV
We want to again thank our esteemed moderator, Claudia Puig, and our distinguished panelists: Beatriz Acevedo (Suma Wealth), Manny Ruiz (Nuestro Stories), Tania Torres and Lily Becerra (Latina Approved), and Maria Twena (MariVi, the Master Navigator Series).
Enjoy and feel free to share this link with others.
For more information about the panelists or Nuestra.TV, please reach out to
[email protected]
If you couldn’t make it, or couldn’t
stay for the full event, please watch the complete recorded video on this page.

Alberto “Banano” Pardo
Founder and CEO of Nuestra.TV and Adsmovil

Beatriz Acevedo
CEO of Suma Wealth

Maria Lopez Twena
CMO of Adsmovil. Creator of MariVi, the Master Navigator Series

Tania Torres and Lily Becerra
Co-Founders of reality road trip “Latina Approved: Buen Provecho;”

Manny Ruiz
Co-Founder and Creative Director of Brilla Media Ventures, and Publisher and Executive Producer of docuSeries “Nuestro Stories.”

Claudia Puig
President of the Los Angeles Film Critics Association, and critic for NPR’s Film Week.